School of Marxism

Guangxi University has a glorious history and fine tradition of Marxist studies. The first president, Mr. Ma Junwu, in 1903, was the first to translate five works of Marx and Engels, including the Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital, in the form of a bibliographical list of the classical works of Marxism in the Chinese periodical Compilation of Translated Books. In the mid and late 1930s, Mr. Li Da, one of the founders of the Chinese Communist Party, and Mr. Chen Wangdao, the first Chinese full translator of the Communist Manifesto, both taught at Guangxi University. In 1950, Professor Yang Dongzhun, a Marxist theorist, was appointed as the president of Guangxi University.

At present, the school is a training base for teachers of ideological and political theory courses in national colleges and universities, one of the 12 standing director units of the National Alliance of Teaching Informatization of Civic and Political Science Courses in Colleges and Universities, Research Center of China-Asean community of a shared future. The school has a doctoral degree program of First-level Discipline in Marxist theory, and has been included in the Guangxi First-class Discipline Construction List. Moreover, the school has the doctoral degree authorization of First-level Discipline in Marxist theory, and the master's degree authorization of First-level Discipline in Philosophy.

The school now has 112 full-time teachers, including 47 professors and 87 PhD holders. There are a number of experts and scholars with certain influence and popularity in China: National High-level Talents, Cultural Masters of the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee and "Four First Batch" talents, candidates for the New Century Baiqianwan Talents Project, a talent training project that develops young generations into academic and technological leaders, experts in the Database of National Defense Education Teachers, experts of evaluation and appraisal for the National Social Science Fund Projects, members of the National Steering Committee of Regular Institutions of Higher Education for Military Teaching, members of the Ideological and Political Theory Teaching Steering Committee of Colleges and Universities of the Ministry of Education, Guangxi "Bagui Scholar, Guangxi Cultural Masters and "Four First Batch" talents, "leading figure" and outstanding talents of ideological and political education in colleges and universities in Guangxi, etc.

Over the past three years, the school has made a major breakthrough in discipline construction, and has been ranked in the top 10% in Shanghai Ranking’s Academic Ranking of World Universities for three consecutive years, ranked in the top 5% by 2020 (17th nationally), 7% by 2021 (25th nationally), and 6% by 2022 (20th nationally). With the help of discipline development, the teachers and students have made fruitful achievements. They have won 40 projects above provincial and ministerial level, including 18 national projects, among which there are 3 majors projects of National Social Science and 1 key project of the Ministry of Education. Teachers in the school has published 12 theoretical articles in People’s Daily, Guangming Daily, Economic Daily and The Truth Monthly, and 118 papers in CSSCI journals. The employment rate of the graduates is above 95%, and the proportion of students passing the postgraduate entrance examination has reached 45%, and the rate of students passing the PhD examination is 10%.

In the past three years, the faculty and students of the school have won more than 50 awards in various competition, many teachers have made excellent achievements and won honorary titles: One won the second prize of the first National College Teachers' Teaching Innovation Competition, the Teaching Academic Innovation Award and the Teaching Activity Innovation Award, with the number of these awards ranking top among the national colleges and universities; one won the title of National Model Teacher; one won the first prize of Guangxi College Young Teachers' Teaching Competition, the Guangxi May Fourth Youth Medal and the title of Guangxi Teaching Expert. One course has been promoted as the national first-class course, and two courses have been promoted as the Guangxi first-class discipline. The ideological and political courses achieved 100% with the score of over 85.